FOOD AND ADVOCARE -These are a few of my favorite things!

Today has been emotional for so many reasons and I am so glad I pushed through and still ran my miles, usually when I get emotional I tend to just give up. I did not wake up early to run like I wanted to and I HATE when I do that.  I am sure you will find throughout my training this is a huge battle for me because I am not a morning person. It is a complete battle of the mind because once I am up, I love it.  When I do not wake up,  it throws my whole day off. As a result,  I have to take time away from the family in the evening to do it and that just makes me more upset with myself.  I also had a very “off” day with the kids and I was just exhausted by the time Chad got home, but no excuses, I got out there and ran my miles. I had a decent time, distance was 5 miles and I did it in 33 minutes 69 seconds with and average speed at 8.55 (goal was under 9 so I did it, lol barely).  I thought I had to run 7 miles, so I was jumping for joy when a looked on the training calendar and realized it was only 5!

In regards to my diet, I am still learning everyday on how to eat while training. I do tons and tons of research and of course you are always going to get different information in regards to carbs/protein ratio, what to eat before you run and when to eat, what to stay away from during training, and so on, so I pretty much just experiment and try to find out what works best for me.  Here is my biggest struggle… I do not eat enough. It is another battle of the mind. My mind, like many women minds I am sure, is trained to think eat less, lose weight, no carbs, eat small, etc…, however, this will not get you to a marathon, that is one thing I do know. I need to eat more to perform better, so it is something I am working on. I am going to try tomorrow to not only increase calories and (good) carb intake,  I will also try to keep a record of how many calories and carbs I intake so I can report and keep record throughout my training and hopefully figure out the right ratio for me. Today’s diet…

I started with 2 eggs scrambled using coconut oil, avocado, and strawberries.  For a snack about two hours later I had a AdvoCare protein bar that I made. I put the recipe below. I used a recipe a friend gave me and kind of added my own little twists to it. For lunch I had a salad which included; spinach, zucchini noodles, cucumbers, tomatoes, yellow peppers, red onion, chicken, and fat-free cottage cheese. Dressing was a little bit of olive oil, red wine vinegar, and a pack of stevia. For afternoon snack I had a piece of Ezekiel bread with PB2 and jelly, not sugar-free. A lot of athletes use sugar-free jelly I have noticed, but at this point I do not for a couple of reasons… 1) they are made with fake sugar which we all know have been proven to be not good for you in the long run. Do I think a little bit on a piece of toast is going to kill me, no, but I just like to stay away from them. 2) I read in a running blog that the sugar in the jelly can actually be beneficial for you and give you extra energy for your run. Also, If you have not tried PB2, you should! I tried every type of almond butter but just could not do it. This is my compromise, it is so GOOD! Right before my run I ate a half of a banana with peanut butter.

After running I had my AdvoCare recovery shake. My diet also suffers when I do not wake up early to run, because now it is 8:30 I have not eaten supper, so I am going to eat late which is not great for you, and I will eat light because nothing sounds good after running so I will suffer if I try to run in the morning… CRAZY CYCLE!

I will not blog my entire days meals every time, I just wanted to make a note that this diet is not working and I believe I need to increase calories.

AdvoCare products: I take several AdvoCare vitamin supplements throughout the day and if you want a list of those just email me. As far as running goes this is my routine.  About thirty minutes prior to running I mix a Spark (energy drink with lots of vitamins and my favorite flavors are grape and fruit punch), with a scoop of arginine extreme (Muscle support),  and water and take my 02 Gold (enhances the body’s use of oxygen),  pills with this.  Now if I am running in the evening I substitute the spark for a rehydrate because taking a spark in the evening can keep me up at night. If I am running more than 7 miles I usually run with rehydrate in my water bottles as well as a rehydrate gel packet. Several companies make these gels, just research, I have always been an AdvoCare product user so I trust their products. After my run I always have a Recovery Shake. AdvoCare has several muscle recovery options, such as a pill, but I always am craving something cold when I am done running, so I went the Shake route! I also will mix a big rehydrate if I am feeling

Again, this is personal preference, this is just what I have found to be most effective with my running routine! If you have any other questions about AdvoCare products please email me or go to my website at

AdvoCare Protein bars:

1 cup of natural honey, tablespoon coconut oil, 1 cup chocolate protein (I used AdvoCare muscle gain powder), 1 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 cup flax seed, 1/2 cup of chia seeds, 1/2 cup natural peanut butter, almond slices, dark chocolate chips, raisins

Heat honey and oil until it is dissolved down to a basic liquid mix with the rest of the ingredients. Push down into a 9X13 pan and refrigerate! SIMPLE AND EASY! the recipe I had called for vanilla protein powder and also butter instead of oil (I just substituted what I had.

Thanks for reading :)!









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